Making waves.

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Making waves.

Post by dognose »

I'm looking to make an animated image like this:


It's an old effect that I've seen a lot of places, but I don't know the best way to make it in IM.

I'm guessing that I'd use a Distortion or Displacement Map like in the examples... but I don't know how to make one for the movement and distortion I want.

Anyone have ideas on where I'd start on this one?
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Re: Making waves.

Post by anthony »

A distortion or better still a displacement map (which is built-in so is faster) would be the way to go.

In fact it would probably turn out so nice looking you may have to blur the image a little to dirty it so it becomes more realistic :lol:

Animation it is easy, it is just set of distortion/displacement maps applied to the same image over an over. The difficult part is geting the right sequence of distortion maps

However Please let us know how you get on. I would love to see your final set of distortion maps, and hopefully include at least one non-animationed example
in IM Examples...

Think of it as the payment for this advice. 8)
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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