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Can't start PerlMagick: "C:/Perl/lib/ line 230"

Posted: 2007-10-11T12:17:04-07:00
by sd1074
I'm sorry for my English, but I very hope that that I'll be understandable.
I have WinXP, Apach 2.2, ActivePerl- and all of these are working normally.
And I have tried to install Image::Magick for two days :(
I use ImageMagick-6.3.6-1-Q16-windows-dll.exe.
After installing I ran console commands (to see logo) and it worked. But when I start Perl script with string "use Image::Magick;" the server's error-logs contained follow:

[Fri Oct 12 00:37:05 2007] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers:
[Fri Oct 12 00:37:05 2007] [error] [client] Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Image/Magick/Magick.dll' for module Image::Magick: load_file:\xcd\xe5 \xed\xe0\xe9\xe4\xe5\xed\xe0 \xf3\xea\xe0\xe7\xe0\xed\xed\xe0\xff \xef\xf0\xee\xf6\xe5\xe4\xf3\xf0\xe0 at C:/Perl/lib/ line 230.
[Fri Oct 12 00:37:05 2007] [error] [client] at C:/Program Files/Apache2.2/site2_dir/scripts/ line 5

I read all forum branches, and saw similar problems, but I can't find real solution! Please, help me. Or I will be lunatic :-\

Re: Can't start PerlMagick: "C:/Perl/lib/ line 230"

Posted: 2007-10-11T17:34:06-07:00
by Randolf
You need a newer version of Perl. Get build 822, and then that version of ImageMagick (you might need to re-install it too) should work just fine. You can download ActiveSatate Perl (what you're using) from here:

Re: Can't start PerlMagick: "C:/Perl/lib/ line 230"

Posted: 2007-10-12T02:47:00-07:00
by sd1074
Randolf, I love you! :lol: :D
I am happy! :lol: :D
It works! :lol: :D
Thank you! Big thank you!

:D :D :D :D

Re: Can't start PerlMagick: "C:/Perl/lib/ line 230"

Posted: 2007-10-13T08:47:12-07:00
by Randolf
You're welcome, and thank you for posting an update confirming that this resolved your problem.