Occassionally the CONVERT command doesn't.

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Occassionally the CONVERT command doesn't.

Post by RQuadling »


Using ImageMagick V6.3.3-4 (http://www.imagemagick.org/download/bin ... ws-dll.exe) with the following command (this is generated by a BAT file for thousands of files and runs 24/7).

Code: Select all

CONVERT "\Faxes\received\2007\03\29\2007-03-29__14-14__Page-0442__3119BELD.tif" -bordercolor black -fill black -border 0x100 -draw "fill white  stroke black  stroke-width 1  rectangle 0,0 1727,99  fill black  rectangle 0,0 339,99  rectangle 1420,0 1727,99  fill black  font Consolas  font-size 60  stroke white  stroke-width 4  text 5,44 '2007/03/29'  text 88,94 '14:14'  font-size 140  text 1422,94 '0442'  fill white  font-size 110  stroke black  text 640,76 '3119BELD'" -rotate 180 -draw "fill white  stroke black  stroke-width 1  rectangle 0,0 1727,99  fill black  rectangle 0,0 339,99  rectangle 1420,0 1727,99  fill black  font Consolas  font-size 60  stroke white  stroke-width 4  text 5,44 '2007/03/29'  text 88,94 '14:14'  font-size 140  text 1422,94 '0442'  fill white  font-size 110  stroke black  text 640,76 '3119BELD'" -rotate 180 -monochrome -type bilevel -units PixelsPerInch -density 204x196 -compress group4 +matte "\Faxes\received\2007\03\29\2007-03-29__14-14__Page-0442__3119BELD.tif" 
Now, for most of the time, this is working fine.

But it seems that I am more getting the occasional non-converted file. In the BAT file which makes this call, the errorlevel is set to 1. I log all the commands with any non 0 error level to allow me to run it to re-run the CONVERT.

Every re-run works.

I believe that the file is NOT in use.

The file is on a different computer (a Fax Server) to "this" computer and access the files via a Windows Share.

Is there any change that a -error_report parameter could be added to give a really indepth analysis of what is going wrong. I doubt it is anything within ImageMagick itself (as for the majority of the time all is well).

Once the files are converted it will be several days before they are further processed,
so I check my logs regularly.

I have just amended the BAT file to automatic retry upto 3 times and only then to log the failure.

Considering that the manual CONVERT has always worked (I've done maybe 500 manually in the last 2 months), I can't quite work out what's happening, hence the request.

I'm more than happy to act as a guinea pig!


Richard Quadling.

P.S. If anyone can think of a better way to do the CONVERT, then I'd be REALLY grateful! It is quite slow (20 seconds or so).
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