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Number of Points allowd in polyline

Posted: 2007-10-23T12:02:09-07:00
by fmw42
Some time ago, I reported that -draw "polyline ..." only allowed less than 300 points to be used. I was told that it would be fixed. I see now that it is fixed in IM However, I have a public script that I created to process a large number of points in groups of less than 200. I want to update my script to allow it to process all the points at one time for IM releases subsequent to when it was fixed and still use processing of groups of 200 prior to when it was fixed. Could someone tell me in which release it was first fixed and if there is still any upper limit to the number of points allowed? Thanks.

Fred Weinhaus

Re: Number of Points allowd in polyline

Posted: 2007-10-23T12:38:29-07:00
by magick
The limitation on the number of points in a polyline was fixed in ImageMagick 6.3.5. Now the number of points is limited by your shell maximum command line length (usually about 250K now-a-days). You can put your draw command in a file making the number of points virtually unlimited (reference with -draw @file).

Re: Number of Points allowd in polyline

Posted: 2007-11-08T00:35:37-07:00
by fmw42
Can you tell me which minor release version to 6.3.5.x so that I can put a trap in my scripts to use the new unlimited method vs. the older method where I split the number of points into 200 point groups.


Fred W.

Re: Number of Points allowd in polyline

Posted: 2007-11-08T07:07:10-07:00
by magick
We don;t recall the specific minor release when the change was made. To be safe just set your version threshold at 6.3.6 and above.